Stork's bill (Erodium cicutarium)

Stork's bill description

Stork's bill is a member of the geranium family.


Stork's bill is an annual, winter annual or biennial that spreads by seed.

Similar species

Stork's-bill is similar to several species of wild crane's-bill. Stork's-bill can be differentiated by its' low growth habit, the rosette of leaves and the distict spiralled tail on the dry seeds.


Stork's bill is found throughout North America.

Identifying Stork's bill


Cotyledons oblong, 3-lobbed. True leaves oval in outline, but finely divided, with toothed segments, hairy, forming a rosette.

Mature plant

Stems prostrate, low growing rosette, unbranched, stems to 16 inches long, but usually shorter. Hairy, yellow-green.

Leaves arranged in a rosette, oval to elliptic in outline, but finely divided, with teeth. Hairy, with stalks.

Root structure description

Taproot, with many fibrous side-roots.


Pink to purple, 5 petals, 1/4 to 1/2 inch across, on long stalks, in clusters of 2 to 12. Seeds 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, with a long tail that twists spirally when dry.

Recommended solution


Specifically designed for glyphosate tolerant soybeans, Flexstar™ GT herbicide allows users to move beyond glyphosate alone.

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