Shepherd's-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

Shepherd's-purse description

Shepherd's purse is a member of the mustard family, and resembles wild mustard.


Shepherd's purse is an annual or winter annual that spreads only by seed.

Similar species

Shepherd's-purse can easily be distinguished from stinkweed by its' heart-shaped pods, and by having different upper and lower leaves.


Shepherd's purse is found throughout Canada.

Identifying Shepherd's-purse


Cotyledons oval to ovate, hairless. First true leaves the beginning of a rosette, leaves oval to elliptic, with toothed or smooth edges. Upper surface hairy, base narrows into a stalk.

Mature plant

Stems erect, few branches, one to several stems from basal rosette, 2 inches to 4 feet tall at maturity. Smooth to slightly hairy.

Leaves rosette at base, alternate on stems. Shape and size varies, with basal leaves oblong, smooth edges to deeply divided and thoothed edges. Basal leaves narrowing into a stalk. Stem leaves smaller, lanceolate to linear, smooth to finely toothed edges, stalkless, clasping the stems. Leaves smooth to slightly hairy.

Root structure description

Taproot, branched.


White, small, with four petals in cross shape, on elongated stems at ends of branches. Winter annual forms flower starting early May. Annual forms begin flowering in late-June, continusing to late fall. Seed pod with 2 sections, heart shaped, with the pointed end joining the flower stalk.

Recommended solution


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