Ragweed, giant

Ragweed, giant description

Plant has short tap-root with shallow, fibrous roots. Stems are coarse, rough, and hairy and grow up to 15 ft tall in fertile, moist soil and up to 7 ft in drier, less fertile soil. Leaves are opposite, large, slightly hairy and rough. They are cleft into three to five lobes.


Annual. Seed.

Similar species

Ragweed, common


Throughout the U.S. with the exception of northern Maine, Florida, the Pacific Coast and areas of the Southwest.

Identifying Ragweed, giant


Leaves are stemmed with grooves on the leaf stem. The leaves are opposite and rough on both sides. Cotyledons are 3-4 times larger than common ragweed.

Recommended solution

AAtrex® Liquid 480

AAtrex Liquid 480 is a selective herbicide for weed control in corn. AAtrex Liquid 480's flexible timing means it can be used either before or after weeds emerge.

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Callisto® 480SC

Callisto offers application flexibility and incredible crop safety, with excellent control of key annual broadleaf weeds 

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Acuron herbicide combines four active ingredients with three complementary modes of action for control of broadleaf and grass weeds in corn.

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Acuron® Flexi

Acuron Flexi provides broad-spectrum control of tough weeds in corn, with three active ingredients, two modes of action and the widest application window in a single corn herbicide.

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