Velvetleaf (Albutilon theophrasti)

Velvetleaf description

Taprooted plant. Stems are about 6 ft. tall and erect with many branches and covered with soft velvety hairs. Leaves alternate, long-stemmed, round at the base tapering to a point at tip, with toothed margins and velvety hairs on both sides. The leaves and stems release a strong, unpleasant odor when crushed.


Annual. Seed.


Throughout the U.S.

Identifying Velvetleaf


Seedlings have one round and one heart-shaped cotyledon with smooth margins, covered on top and bottom with velvety hairy surfaces. First true leaves are alternate, heart-shaped with toothed margins, and hairy on both surfaces.

Mature plant

Stems erect, many branches covered with soft velvety hairs.

Leaves alternate, round at the base tapering to point at apex, hairy surfaced and long-stemmed.

Root structure description


Recommended solution


Reflex selective post-emergent herbicide gives you what you're looking for when it comes to controlling broadleaf weeds in your beans.

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Flexstar™ GT

Specifically designed for glyphosate tolerant soybeans, Flexstar™ GT herbicide allows users to move beyond glyphosate alone.

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Tavium® plus VaporGrip® Technology

Tavium® Plus VaporGrip® Technology provides powerful broad-spectrum control, including glyphosate-resistant weeds, and is the only dicamba product in a pre-mix formulation that offers residual grass control.

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