Spurge, leafy (Euphorbia esula)

Spurge, leafy description

Leafy spurge is a perennial with stems arranged in clumps. The plant grows up to 3 feet tall.


Leafy spurge is a perennial that reproduces by seed or underground roots.


Leafy spurge is found throughout the country.

Identifying Spurge, leafy


Cotyledons elliptic, hairless. True leaves also elliptic, arranged in spirals (alternate) around stems, hairless.

Mature plant

Stems erect, branched, in clups forming extensive stands, up to 3 feet high at maturity. Stems smooth, hairless, all plant parts contain a milky juice.

Leaves alternate arranged spirally on stems, if corwded appearing opposite. Linear, narrowing at the base, 1 to 3 inches long, narrow, smooth edges, hairless, without stalks. Whorled leaves at stem tips under umbels of flowers. Leaves blue-green up to flowering, then yellowish-green to reddish-green.

Root structure description

Deep, horizontal and vertical, creeping roots. New shoots are produced from buds on roots.

Post senescene

Greenish-yellow, inconspicous, in umbrella-like umbles or scattered along the stems. Flowers are among pairs of floral bracts which are leaf-like, round, with pointed tips. Flowers June and July, with sometimes a second flowering period in September. Seeds in a yellowish cup that explodes when dry, throwing seed several feet.