Cotyledons are narrow (about 4.5 mm long by 1.25 mm wide), elliptic to oblong, sessile, thick, dull green above, often magenta on the underside, narrow and covered with soft fine hairs. Young leaves are grayish with dense soft hairs, linear to narrowly elliptic or oblanceolate and pointed at the apex.
Juvenile plant
Blades are sometimes magenta-tinged beneath, and the leaves lack defined petioles. Young plants initially develop into a basal rosette. Elongated stems are hairy and may be reddish.
Mature plant
Stems are erect, much-branched, round, often red-tinged, usually with soft hairs above. Leaves are simple, sessile, alternate, linear to lanceolate (2.5-5 cm long), and hairy to almost smooth, with entire, hairy margins.
Root structure description
Taproot with a branched fibrous root system.
Small, green, inconspicuous flowers are produced from July to September in small spikes (5-10 mm long) in the upper leaf axils and in terminal panicles. Spikes are subtended by leafy hairy bracts (3-10 mm long). Fruit are small bladder-like utricles.
Post senescene
Dried plant material persists into the winter. Bracts subtending the flowers are generally evident.