Valdensinia leaf spot (Valdensinia heterodoxa)

Valdensinia leaf spot: biology

Valdensinia leaf spot (Valdensinia heterodoxa) is a leaf disease that’s a growing concern in blueberry fields.

In early to mid-June, spores are produced from the fungus that overwinters in infected leaves on the ground. A wet period of weather stimulates spore production. Spores infect leaves and cause sizeable spots or lesions (5 to 10 mm in diameter) followed by leaf drop within a couple of days. Defoliated sprouts initiate new vegetative growth that reduces fruit bud production. If wet weather continues during the spring, several spore infections can take place; infection on the dropped leaves can continue to produce spores. The fungus can survive in infected leaves for at least two years.

Valdensinia leaf spot: damage description

The Valdensinia fungus is unique because it produces an extremely large spore that is visible without magnification. It is easily distinguished from other leaf diseases by the large size of the leaf spot, which is brown and circular with a red margin. These spores and infected leaves cling to footwear and machinery, which is the primary way that the disease spreads from field to field.

Valdensinia infection can result in lower crop yields, smaller berries and a decreased number of flowers. Plant health is also affected by leaf drop.

Valdensinia leaf spot: management

Follow these management strategies for Valdensinia:

  • Scout by monitoring plants for lesions and dropping leaves.
  • Fungicides should be applied in early June or when disease is first detected.
  • Control Bunchberry, a common weed in blueberry fields, which is a host of the disease.
  • Pruning by burning is recommended for affected fields as the disease overwinters on leaves infected the previous season.
  • Since this disease can be easily spread from field to field, growers should pay attention to field sanitation practices such as restricting access to fields and cleaning machinery prior to use.

  • Hildebrand, P.D. and Renderos, W.E. Valdensinia leaf spot of lowbush blueberry. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. March, 2010.
  • Annis, S. Valdensinia leaf spot on wild blueberry. The University of Maine.

Recommended solution

Bravo® ZN

Bravo® ZN is a broad-spectrum, protectant fungicide for dependable foliar disease control.

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