Aster yellows (Phytoplasma )

Aster yellows showing capsule-like structures

Aster yellows: biology

The disease is transmitted by leaf hoppers. Cool cloudy weather that encourages migrating leaf hoppers to land and feed longer on plants increases incidence of infection.

Photo credit: Tiffany Martinka, CCC

Aster yellows: damage description

Malformation on flowering shoots late in summer. Yellow flowers may turn into green capsule-like structures, pods are sterile, growth starts again and is dense and tangled. Renewed growth is especially noticeable on lodged plants. Affected parts of flowering shoots sometimes have a purplish color.

The disease is sometimes confused with sulphur deficiency, but with aster yellows the affected plants are scattered among normal healthy plants.

Usually the percentage of infected plants in a crop is low and does not cause significant damage.

Aster yellows: management

No economic control measures are available once the disease is established. Control leafhoppers as a preventative approach.