Warm, Humid Weather Advances Manitoba Crops 

Manitoba crops advanced quickly this past week amid warm, humid conditions, according to the latest weekly crop report on Tuesday. 

Once again, isolated heavy rains occurred in several regions, with precipitation for this ranging anywhere from 0 mm to 43.3 mm. Daytime temperatures ranged from the high 20s degrees C to the low 30s. 

Spring wheat is between anthesis and hard dough, with most oat and barley crops at the milk stage, the report said. 

Spring wheat quality is rated mostly fair to good with 5 to 10% of the crop being reported as poor in the Southwest, Northwest, Central, and Interlake regions 

The earliest seeding canola fields were pod-filling with flowering ending. Increased flower blast due to the very warm temperatures was also noted by both producers and agronomists.  

Sunflower stands range from very late vegetative to the early R2 growth stage, with a lot of variation due to varied planting dates and water stressed conditions. Most flax fields were at growth stage 7 to growth stage 8. 

Field peas are in the R3 to R4 stage. For the most part, fields are looking good, however, there are fields affected by the excess moisture and doing poorly, most notably in the Central and Eastern regions.  

Soybeans are in the R1to R2 stage and have seen rapid growth of the last week due to the hot, humid conditions. 


Isolated showers brought additional moisture to already wet soils. Crops are however benefiting from these hot and humid days and progressing rapidly. Daytime highs ranged from 27.5°C to 30.5°C this past week, with minimum overnight temperatures varying from 4.9°C to 7.5°C. Smoky conditions in the Southwest region towards the end of the reporting period have helped reduce heat damage to crops. 


Another week of hot weather with temperatures in the high 20’s and into 30’s. The Pas station had the highest recorded temperature at 31°C degrees. Only some areas received precipitation this week with Drifting River receiving the most at 19 mm. High humidity and smoky conditions were also common across the region this week. High temperatures have advanced crops rapidly this week. 


Most days were warm and humid with heavy morning dew. Smoke has reduced visibility at times. Rainfall varied greatly across the region with Manitou receiving the most (41 mm), and Lakeland the least (1 mm). Even though water has mostly receded from low spots within fields, there is still visible water stress and dead spots in low lying areas. The recent warmer temperatures have promoted rapid crop development over the past few days and have benefited the edible beans, soybeans and corn the most. 


Rainfall amounts over the last week were again highly variable and ranged from 3 mm to 55 mm. Highest accumulations were usually in central and southern districts. Some reports of localized hailstorms of varying intensity were also received. Temperatures this past week continued warmer than normal and field crops that were not suffering from extended water stress continued to demonstrate rapid growth. Standing water issues were somewhat subsiding in areas that did not receive significant rainfall but remained a general on-going issue across the entire region. All crops continued to display yellowing and loss of plants in lower field areas and field drains. 


Rapid crop development continues with warm weather and high humidity. Rainfall continues to be variable with scattered thundershowers. Rainfall amounts over the weekend ranged from 20 to 28.7mm for Clarkleigh, Lake Francis, Stonewall, and Woodlands. The Teulon area received 3.4mm while Aborg, Petersfield, Fisherton, Selkirk, Poplarfield and Inwood areas received 5 to 17.6 mm. Field conditions continue to be variable with noticeable standing water and water stress symptoms in some areas in the region. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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