US Corn Condition Dips, Silking Nearing Completion

The condition of the US corn crop was down 1 point to 67% good to excellent, according to the USDA’s weekly crop report. Despite the dip, the crop is in much better shape than a year ago (57% g/e) and is developing rapidly.

Regionally, Illinois saw a 5-point improvement in its corn crop condition, reaching 81% good to excellent. Indiana and Iowa were steady compared to last week at 70% and 77% good to excellent, respectively. North Dakota experienced a significant 7-point rising to 73% good to excellent.

The silking phase of the corn growth cycle is advancing rapidly across the country, with 88% of the crop silking by the end of the week, up from 77% the previous week and matching the five-year average. Illinois and Iowa are ahead of the national average, with 94% and 92% of their corn silking, respectively. The progress into the dough stage is also notable, with 46% of the crop already there, ahead of the average of 38%. Nationwide, 7% of corn was dented as of Sunday.

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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