Saskatchewan Harvest Closes in on Completion 

The Saskatchewan harvest is closing in on completion after a return to warm, dry weather allowed fieldwork to pick up after earlier rain delays. 

Thursday’s crop report pegged the provincial harvest at 91% complete as of Monday, up 12 points on the week after just a 5-point gain the previous week. That is ahead of the five- and 10-year averages of 83% and 79% complete, and only 4 points behind last year. 

Harvest is essentially complete in the southwest region, with a few acres of unharvested crops in the region. The southeast is in the homestretch, with 94% of the crop off. Harvest was 90% complete in the west-central region, with the east-central close behind at 88% done. The northwest and northeast have the most crops remaining in the field, at 85% and 81% harvested, respectively. 

All pea and lentil crops are off, while 99% of all durum crops are in the bin. Most of the other spring-seeded cereal crops have been harvested, with barley at 98% complete, spring wheat at 96%, oats at 94%, and canary seed at 92%. Harvest is winding down for mustard and chickpea crops as 98% and 95% of those crops had been combined as of Monday. The canola harvest was 82% complete, with flax at 68% and soybeans at 56%. 

Some areas in the northern regions did experience rain delays this past week. The Glaslyn area received the most rainfall last week at 31 mm, followed closely by the Meota and North Battleford areas which received 26 mm and 25 mm, respectively.  Cropland topsoil moisture was rated 60% adequate, 34% short and 6% very short as of Monday, compared to 64% adequate, 32% short and 4% very short a week earlier. 

Crop yields in Saskatchewan vary between and within the six reporting regions, something the report said was largely due to variable rainfall and weather conditions during the growing season.  

The latest provincial estimates put this year’s average spring wheat and durum yields at 46 bu and 32 bu/acre, both down from Statistics Canada’s September crop production report, which pegged the average Saskatchewan spring wheat yield at 46.5 bu and durum at 35.3 bu/acre. 

The province put the average barley yield at 62 bu/acre, slightly above the StatsCan estimate of 61 bu, while the average oat yield, at 75 bu/acre, is 11 bu below StatsCan. The province’s canola yield of 33 bu is also below the StatsCan projection of 37.7 bu. The province’s average pea yield of 35 bu/acre is 2.2 bu below StatsCan, while its average lentil yield is 114 lbs below at 1,220 lbs/acre. 

Hard red spring wheat quality in Saskatchewan also differs between regions due to factors such as growing season temperatures and moisture. This year, the average grades of Hard Red Spring Wheat in Saskatchewan are 61% 1CW, 29% 2CW, 8% 3CW, and 2% CW Feed. This year's grades are slightly better than the five-year average grades, and above the 10-year average. 


Producers in the southeast made good harvest progress and are wrapping up harvest due to dry conditions this past week. Harvest is now 94 per cent complete in the southeast, which is ahead of the 83 per cent five-year average and 84 per cent 10-year average. 

Very little rain fell in the southeast during this reporting period and conditions have been fairly dry. Cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 66 per cent adequate, 33 per cent short and 1 per cent very short.  

Producers are reporting light kernel weight for some crops which is mainly due to the heat in July and August, and yields are overall lower than they expected. Estimated yields for spring-seeded cereal crops are 50 bushels per acre for spring wheat, 38 bushels per acre for durum and 64 bushels per acre for barley. Canola yields are estimated to be 32 bushels per acre in the region, which is slightly lower than the provincial average. For pulse crops, field pea yields are reported to be 34 bushels per acre and lentils are 1220 pounds per acre. Yields vary within the southeast largely based on rainfall, temperature and pest activity during the growing season. 

Quality of hard red spring wheat in the southeast is lower than the provincial average for this year. Forty-seven per cent is 1CW grade, 45 per cent is 2CW, seven per cent is 3CW and one per cent is CW feed grade. 


Harvest is basically complete in the southwest, apart from a few minor acres left to harvest. Harvest progress is at 99 per cent, which is above the 93 per cent five-year average and 90 per cent 10-year average.  

Contrary to two weeks ago where much of the southwest got lots of precipitation, only trace amounts were received in a few areas and conditions have been dry during this period. Cropland topsoil moisture is now 41 per cent adequate, 48 per cent short and 11 per cent very short.  

In addition to having some of the driest topsoil moisture, the southwest also has the lowest estimated yields for some crops in the province as crops in this region were greatly affected by limited moisture and hot conditions during the growing season. For spring-seeded cereals, estimated yield for hard red spring wheat is 28 bushels per acre, 26 bushels per acre for durum and 46 bushels per acre for barley. Canola yield for the region is estimated to be 23 bushels per acre on average. Pulse yields are also below the provincial average as estimated yields for field peas are 27 bushels per acre and 1039 pounds per acre for lentil crops. 

Hard red spring wheat quality in the southwest is below the provincial average. Average grade for the region is 42 per cent 1CW, 23 per cent 2CW, 19 per cent 3CW and 16 per cent CW feed. 


Harvest is 88 per cent complete in the east-central region as producers were able to make good harvest progress this past week. Harvest this year continues to be well above the five and 10-year averages of 76 per cent and 73 per cent, respectively. Some producers have finished harvest, but those that haven't are hoping for dry weather this next week to get the crop off in good time. 

Much like the southeast and southwest, there was limited rainfall in the east-central which allowed producers to make good harvest progress last week. Cropland topsoil moisture is 61 per cent adequate, 33 per cent short and six per cent very short.  

Estimated crop yields in the east-central are slightly better than the provincial average. Hard red spring wheat yield is coming in at 49 bushels per acre, durum yield is estimated to be 39 bushels per acre and the estimated barley yield is 65 bushels per acre. Canola yield is estimated to be 34 bushels per acre, which is about on par with the rest of the province. Finally, yields for field peas is estimated to be 42 bushels per acre and 1335 pounds per acre for lentil crops. 

The best hard red spring wheat grades are being reported in the east-central. Sixty-five per cent is graded as 1CW, 31 per cent 2CW, three per cent 3CW, and zero per cent CW feed. 


A few producers experienced rain delays in harvest this past week, but respectable progress has been made. Harvest is now 90 per cent complete in the west-central region and remains above the 86 per cent five-year average and 80 per cent 10-year average. 

Relatively dry conditions in the west-central region allowed producers to make lots of harvest progress last week.  Topsoil moisture in this region remained relatively unchanged, as cropland topsoil moisture is rated as 65 per cent adequate, 33 per cent short, and two per cent very short.  

Crop yields in the west-central vary but are similar to the provincial average for many crops. Hard red spring wheat yields are estimated to be 41 bushels per acre, barley yields are estimated to be 60 bushels per acre, and durum yields are estimated to be 36 bushels per acre. Estimated canola yield is 33 bushels per acre, which is right on par with the provincial average. For pulse crops, estimated field pea yield is 37 bushels per acre and estimated lentil yield is 1104 pounds per acre. 

Hard red spring wheat quality varies in this region as well. Sixty-three per cent of hard red spring wheat is graded as 1CW, 20 per cent 2CW, 14 per cent 3CW, and two per cent CW feed. 


The northeast continues to have the most crop remaining in the field, but producers made decent harvest progress this past week and are hoping to finish soon. Harvest progress now sits at 81 per cent, which is the same as the five-year average and greater than the 74 per cent 10-year average. 

The northeast got modest rainfall last week which caused harvest delays for a few producers.  Cropland topsoil moisture is currently 65 per cent adequate, 32 per cent short and three per cent very short. Despite the slight decrease this reporting period, topsoil moisture conditions in the northeast are the best in the province. 

Hard red spring wheat in the northeast is being reported as the best quality in Saskatchewan. Currently, 72 per cent is graded at 1CW, 26 per cent at 2CW, two per cent at 3CW and zero per cent at CW feed grade. 


The northwest region received the most precipitation this past week which means producers here experienced rain delays. Despite this, harvest is 85 per cent complete, which is ahead of the 76 per cent five-year average and 69 per cent 10-year average. Producers are hoping to wrap up harvest within the next week if good weather occurs. 

The northwest received the most rainfall this past week, which caused producers in some areas to experience harvest delays. Cropland topsoil moisture is 62 per cent adequate, 29 per cent short, and nine per cent very short.  

Estimated yields for spring cereal crops are similar to the provincial averages. Estimated yield is 45 bushels per acre for hard red spring wheat, 66 bushels per acre for barley and 79 bushels per acre for oat crops. The average estimated canola yield for the northwest is 37 bushels per acre, which is the highest in the province. Finally, estimated field pea yield is 35 bushels per acre which is the same as the provincial average. 

Hard red spring wheat grades for this region are below the provincial average. In the northwest, 42 per cent of hard red spring wheat is graded at 1CW, 46 per cent is 2CW, nine per cent is 3CW, and two per cent is CW feed grade. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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