Map: January Prairie Precipitation Variable

January precipitation was variable across the Prairies, with some areas receiving well below normal amounts and others well above. 

As can be seen on the map below, portions of northern Alberta and from Calgary southward got 200% of normal or more during the month, while the extreme southwestern part of the province – along with much of southern Manitoba and southeastern Saskatchewan were short changed. 

The 90-day map looks similar to the 30 day, with the heavier and lighter accumulations in generally the same locations. 

What does it all say about the spring run off? 

According to the latest monthly Canadian Agriculture Weather Prognosticator from World Weather Inc., not much is likely to change in February and March in terms of the spring moisture outlook. Northeastern Saskatchewan and parts of northern Manitoba may have more than the usual amount of snow to melt in the spring, the report said. Meanwhile, southern Alberta near the mountains is at the other end of the spectrum, with little snow on the ground. 

Other Prairie areas are more variable, although the report said most are likely to just have the usual amounts of snow. 

World Weather said the outlook for April is more promising. The month could be quite 

fruitful with moisture for the southern Prairie, potentially enough to cause some seeding delays but also enough to provide some relief from current dryness. 

The Canadian drought monitor showed 25% of Prairie agricultural lands were being impacted by abnormal dryness or some form of drought as of the end of December, down from 34% in November and 57% in October.   

The drought monitor update for January should be released in the coming days. 

January percent normal precip​​​​​​​

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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