Manitoba Harvest Mainly Down to Corn and Sunflowers


The last of the 2024 Manitoba harvest is now coming off the fields. 

Wednesday’s crop report, delayed from Tuesday by the Thanksgiving long holiday weekend, pegged the overall provincial harvest at 93% complete, up 8 points on the week and with mainly just corn and sunflowers still to go. 

The Central Region harvest advanced 4 points from the previous week to reach 98% complete, while the Eastern harvest jumped 16 points to 91% done, and the Southwest 8 points to 90%. The Northwest harvest gained 9 points from a week earlier to 86% complete, and the Interlake was up 6 points at 88%. 

An estimated 39% of the provincial corn crop was off, while sunflowers were 22% harvested. Flax was 89% in the bin and soybeans 93% harvested. The canola crop is now 98% off, the report showed. The harvest of spring cereals is now mostly finished. 

Progress has also been made on fall field work including tillage and ditching, the report said, adding that fall herbicide and fertilizer applications continue. 

Precipitation over the past eight days ranged from 0 mm to 15.1 mm, with most regions receiving less than 8 mm.  


There was no significant rain in the region last week, allowing producers a good opportunity to finish the harvest. Daytime highs varied between 24°C and 28°C, while overnight lows dropped to between -1.7°C and -6.3°C, resulting in heavy frost across most areas. This frost will aid in drying down the longer-season crops. Average daily temperatures ranged from 7.0°C to 11.4°C.  

Harvesting continues this week, with overall progress estimated at 90% to 95% complete in the southwest region. Producers are busy with fall work, including fertilizing, harrowing, and tilling. Soil moisture levels are good at this stage, but additional rain before freeze-up will help maintain seedbed moisture for next year. 


It was generally a good week of October weather to help move harvest progress closer to completion in many areas. Precipitation in some areas over the weekend briefly slowed harvest and field work. Highest precipitation was recorded by the Reedy Creek station with 8 mm. Temperatures reached the 20’s by afternoon for most of the week. Overnight temperatures cooled off, with most areas receiving frost. Laurier station recorded the highest daytime and lowest overnight temperature for the region, reporting 27.8°C for the high and -4.4°C for the low. 


Little precipitation fell past week in the Central region, with the most falling in the west around Morris (10.6 mm), Carman (8.3 mm), and Elie (7.6 mm). Windygates and Pilot Mound received no rainfall. Highs were mostly between 24 – 27 ºC depending on location. Lows were mostly between -2 and -3 ºC. Baldur received both the highest temperature (28.9 ºC) and the lowest (-5.2 ºC) in the central region this week. Progress continues with fall field activities with producers applying fall fertilizers and conducting drainage and residue management operations. Producers are preparing to winterize their equipment and yards. 


During the reporting period, 5 to 15 mm of rainfall accumulation occurred across the region with most of the rain falling on Saturday of last week. Day and nighttime temperatures started the week by being above seasonal before retreating to seasonal levels over the weekend. Repeated moderate to killing frosts occurred during the latter half of the week. Producers continued to make significant progress on harvest and field work during the week with the rainfall over the weekend having a very limited effect on progress. Field access in areas that had previously received excessive amounts of rainfall continued to improve. Some growers have now completed harvest and field work for this year with everyone else hoping conditions remain dry so they can wrap up their 2024 cropping season. 


Harvest continues, with good progress regardless of spotty showers in the Interlake region. Rainfall amounts ranged from 2.1-7.0 mm. Daytime high temperatures ranged from low teens to low 20s. Overnight lows dropped well below 0°C, down to -8.1°C at Narcisse, with few reports of frost injury in some areas in the Interlake region. Average daily temperatures range from 7.7°C to 9.3°C. Frosts have aided crop dry-down in mature crops. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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