ICE Close: Canola Up with Soy Complex but Gains More Moderate 

Canola futures gained on Monday as the Chicago soy complex continued to move higher in the wake of Friday’s friendly USDA supply-demand update. 

The advances in canola were more moderate compared to the US market, with a stronger Canadian dollar helping to limit some of the upside.  

Questions remain – especially with the looming threat of tariffs from the incoming Trump administration - but short-term guidance on the clean fuels production credit from the US government on Friday appeared favourable for soyoil, and potentially canola as well, given that it proposed non-US origin cooking oil no longer be permitted as an eligible feedstock in biofuel production. 

March canola was up $6.10 at $647.70, and November added $8.10 to $639.80. 


Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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