GFO Contributes to Gate Funding Drive 

Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) is among four national grower organizations to contribute funding to the newly launched Gate Capital campaign. 

GFO, along with Alberta Grains, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, and the Manitoba Crop Alliance, together pledged $13.4 million in support of the Global Agriculture Technology Exchange (Gate), it was announced Tuesday.  The organizations are all members to Cereals Canada. 

Led by Cereals Canada, Gate is a $102-million project aimed at advancing Canada's position as a leader in cereal grain innovation and global food security, to be built in downtown Winnipeg. Cereals Canada is also contributing $5 million from its reserves to the Gate Capital Campaign. 

Gate will serve as a hub for food innovation to support Canadian farmers, domestic and global customers, and the value chain, and will uphold Canada's position as a leader in nutritious, high-quality food ingredients.  

“The Canadian economy relies very heavily on the success of the agriculture industry, and grains are the foundation of this industry. We recognize the importance of having a best-in-class facility and services to promote Canadian grain to export markets and domestic customers,” said Jeff Harrison, Chair, Grain Farmers of Ontario.  

“The Gate initiative will send a strong signal to all of Canada that we as a grains industry are willing to invest in the future of agriculture and grains and ensure we build upon our global reputation for sustainability, quality, and safety.” 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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