Alberta Harvest About One-Third Done 

Mostly dry and hot weather allowed the Alberta harvest to proceed at a brisk pace this past week. 

Friday’s crop report showed the harvest of major crops at 32% complete across the province as of Tuesday, up from 18% a week earlier and well ahead of the five- and 10-year averages of 16% and 15%, respectively. 

More than half of the crop was in the bin in the Central Region as of Tuesday (55%), up from 37% the previous week, while the Central Region harvest advanced 15 points to 38% complete.  The Peace Region harvest was 24% complete, up from 11%, while the North East and North West were at 15% and 16% complete, compared to 6% for both the previous week. 

More than one-third (36%) of the provincewide spring wheat crop was off as of Tuesday, 20 points ahead of the five-year average, with barley 25 points ahead at 50%, and oats 15 points ahead at 21%.  

The canola harvest progress was 5% complete as of Tuesday, compared to a five-year average of 2%. However, 38% of the canola was swathed, well ahead of 21% on average. 

The harvest of dry peas was at 91% complete as of Tuesday, far ahead of the five-year average of 66%, suggesting that many producers have completed their pulses and are now focused on harvesting cereal crops. 

Most of the province reported minor rain delays this past week, although the report said the delays were short amid high temperatures that allowed fields to dry quickly. No weather delays were reported from the Peace Region over the past week. 

An estimated 34% of the province was reported as having good to excellent surface soil moisture as of Tuesday, a 1-point improvement from a week earlier. 

Region One: South (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)  

• In the South Region, harvest of major crops is 55 per cent complete, which is ahead of the 5-year average of 40 per cent.  

• Within the region, dry peas are nearing completion at 96 per cent harvested, followed by barley at 73 per cent, spring wheat at 56 per cent harvested, oats at 46 per cent harvested, and canola at 14 per cent harvested.  

• Rain fell throughout the region at varying amounts over the past week. Sub-surface moisture ratings are 28 per cent poor, 50 per cent fair, 22 per cent good, 0 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.  

• Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 26 per cent poor, 47 per cent fair, 26 per cent good and 1 per cent excellent.  

Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)  

• Despite minor harvest delays due to rain, harvest of major crops still progressed 15 per cent over the last week and is now 38 per cent, which is ahead of the 5-year average of 16 per cent.  

• Harvest progress in the Central Region for dry peas is at 95 per cent, barley 56 per cent, spring wheat 41 per cent, oats 33 per cent , and canola 9 per cent.  

• Rain fell throughout the region over the past week with some areas receiving light hailstorms. Sub-surface moisture ratings are 45 per cent poor, 36 per cent fair, 18 per cent good, 1 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.  

• Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 32 per cent poor, 48 per cent fair, 17 per cent good and 3 per cent excellent.  

Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)  

• Harvest progress of major crops continued in the North East Region over the past week, with 15 per cent of major crops now harvested, which is ahead of the 5-year average of 5 per cent.  

• Harvest of dry peas is the furthest advanced at 91 per cent harvested, followed by spring wheat at 20 per cent, barley at 19 per cent, and oats at 11 per cent.  

• Light rain affected much of the region over the past week. Sub-surface moisture ratings are 25 per cent poor, 56 per cent fair, 19 per cent good, 0 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive. • Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 31 per cent poor, 59 per cent fair, 10 per cent good and 0 per cent excellent.  

Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)  

• Producers were able to make good progress on harvest of major crops over the past week and are 16 per cent complete, up from the 6 per cent harvest progress reported last week.  

• Harvest progress varies by crop throughout the region. Harvest is 84 per cent complete for dry peas, 30 per cent complete for barley, 21 per cent for spring wheat, and 17 per cent for oats.  

• Scattered rain fell throughout much of the region over the past week. Sub-surface moisture ratings are 37 per cent poor, 45 per cent fair, 17 per cent good, 1 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.  

• Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 34 per cent poor, 41 per cent fair, 25 per cent good and 0 per cent excellent.  

Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)  

• Sunny and dry conditions in the Peace Region have allowed harvest of major crops to progress 13 per cent since last week to 24 per cent complete, ahead of the 5-year average of 6 per cent.  

• Harvest progress by crop is quite variable throughout the region. Harvest is 78 per cent complete for dry peas, 38 per cent complete for spring wheat, 35 per cent for barley, and 25 per cent for oats.  

• Sub-surface moisture ratings are 2 per cent poor, 41 per cent fair, 57 per cent good, 0 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.  

• Tame hay growth conditions are rated as 10 per cent poor, 38 per cent fair, 50 per cent good and 2 per cent excellent. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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