Alberta Crop Rating Up 

The condition of all Alberta crops has improved over the past couple of weeks and remains well above the five- and 10-year averages. 

The weekly crop report on Friday pegged the condition of all crops in the province at 75% good to excellent as of Tuesday. That is up 2 points from the June 18 all crops rating and compares to the five- and 10-year averages of 67% and 68%, respectively. 

The spring wheat and durum crops were both rated 79% good to excellent as of Tuesday, up 3 points from two weeks ago, while the barley crop improved 2 points to 78% and the oat crop 3 points to 75%. 

The condition of the canola crop was up 2 points to 67%, while flax was up 1 point to 85%, and mustard up 6 points to 85%. The chickpea and lentil crops each improved a single point to 75% and 84% and dry beans were steady at 95%. Peas were the only crop to see a small decline, slipping 2 points to 75%. 

At 82% good to excellent, crop condition ratings were the strongest in the Central Region, followed by the South and Peace at 75% each. Crops in the North East and North West were rated 70% and 68% good to excellent. 

Precipitation was variable throughout the province the past week. Many areas in the North East and Peace regions received at least 5 mm of rain while the North West, Central, and South regions saw precipitation exceeding 30 mm, with a few areas receiving more than 80 mm. 

Precipitation over May and June has significantly improved soil moisture reserves across the province. Currently, surface soil moisture is rated at 75% good to excellent, an improvement of 11 points from the beginning of the season. 

Provincially, the stage of development for spring cereal crops is near the 10-year average despite concerns of growth delays due to the cool and wet weather, the report said. For major broadleaf crops, a greater proportion of the crops are at the flowering stage compared to the 10-year average.  

Region One: South (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)  

• Crops rated in good to excellent condition are 73 per cent for major crops and 75 per cent for all crops.  

• Spring cereals are reported as mainly at the booting stage, while canola development is mostly at rosette development.  

• First cut hay progress is reported as 19 per cent completed for dryland and 56 per cent completed for irrigated, with progress over the past week slowed due to rain showers.  

• Soil surface (sub-surface) moisture is described as improving with a reported 4 (5) per cent as poor, 27 (30) per cent as fair, 54 (57) per cent as good, 15 (8) per cent as excellent and 1 (0) per cent as excessive.  

Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)  

• The proportion of crops rated in good to excellent condition is 82 per cent for both major crops and all crops.  

• Development of crops is reported at stem elongation for spring cereals and mostly rosette for canola.  

• Progress on the first cut of hay is reported as 8 per cent for dryland.  

• Recent rains continue to improve regional surface (sub-surface) moisture, which is rated as 7 (15) per cent poor, 20 (39) per cent fair, 60 (44) per cent good, 12 (3) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.  

Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)  

• The proportion of crops rated as in good to excellent condition is at 70 per cent for both major crops and all crops.  

• The majority of spring cereal crops are reported at stem elongation, while most canola is at the 4-6 leaf stage.  

• First-cut dryland hay is reported as 3 per cent complete.  

• Significant rain events were reported across the region. Regional surface (sub-surface) moisture is reported as 2 (9) per cent poor, 13 (24) per cent fair, 70 (56) per cent good, 12 (10) per cent excellent and 3 (1) per cent excessive.  

Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)  

• Crops reported as in good to excellent condition are 68 per cent for both major crops and all crops.  

• Spring cereal crops development are mostly at mid-stem elongation, while most canola is at rosette development.  

• First-cut dryland hay is reported as 4 per cent complete.  

• Respondents noted recent rainfall continues to improve regional surface (sub-surface) moisture, reported as 0 (7) per cent poor, 17 (24) per cent fair, 47 (45) per cent good, 30 (24) per cent excellent and 6 (0) per cent excessive.  

Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)  

• Good to excellent rated crop is reported as at 75 per cent for both major crops and all crops.  

• Development of spring cereal crops are mostly at mid-stem elongation, while canola crops are mostly at rosette.  

• First-cut dryland hay is reported to be 6 per cent complete.  

• Respondents noted recent rainfall in the region varied, with some areas being completely missed. Regional surface (subsurface) moisture is reported as 0 (0) per cent poor, 7 (6) per cent fair, 46 (39) per cent good, 43 (52) per cent excellent and 5 (3) per cent excessive. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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