Map: More than Half of US Winter Wheat Area Impacted by Drought 

More than half of the US winter wheat production area is now being impacted by some form of drought, although at least some relief could be on the way as early as this weekend. 

As can be seen on the map below, 58% of the American winter wheat was affected by drought as of Tuesday, the highest since February 2023. Indeed, winter wheat area impacted by drought has tracked almost steadily higher since most recently bottoming out at around 16% in early June.  

The bulk of the dryness problem lies in the No. 1 winter wheat production state of Kansas, although Oklahoma is suffering as well. Drought was impacting more than 65% of Kansas as of Tuesday, the highest since April, while Oklahoma was 61% in drought - the highest since February 2023. 

Meanwhile, what World Weather Inc. described rain as ‘meaningful’ rain is forecast for the southern Plains region Saturday and Sunday. The rain will be accompanied by lower temperatures, which should allow the precipitation to soak into the ground better, it added. Temperatures today were expected to reach triple digits in some parts of the southern Plains. 

Drier weather is forecast to return next week. 

Monday’s USDA crop progress report showed nationwide winter wheat planting at 14% complete as of Sunday, up 8 points on the week and a single point ahead of the five-year average.  

Kansas planting gained 5 points on the week to 9% complete as of Sunday, 2 points ahead of last year and the state average. In Oklahoma, 6% of the crop was in the ground as of Sunday, 4 points behind last year and the average. 

Winter wheat area in drought

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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