
Enogen corn hybrids are managed just like any other elite high-yielding corn hybrid. By combining breeding traits, we produced a significant range of hybrids adapted for different environments and growing conditions.

Choose an option below to learn more about the Enogen corn portfolio.

Alpha Amylase

Enogen corn contains a highly efficient alpha amylase enzyme that helps ruminants like cattle to better unlock the available energy from each corn kernel by converting the starch and glycogen into simple sugars. Alpha amylase is more convenient and efficient in starch conversion than add-in amylase enzymes and does not affect any other factors of the corn grain, including oil, protein, and starch content.


The Enogen corn portfolio is built on the AgrisureTM trait platform from Syngenta, so you can select the combination of traits and agronomic characteristics you need to help manage production challenges and protect the genetic yield potential of your crop.

Hover over a technology for more information or click to learn more.

Featured products


Outstanding Yield Potential and Versatility on a Wide Range of Soil Types

  • Solid emergence and vigour allows for earlier planting
  • Best performance in medium to high populations
  • Tall hybrid for both silage and grain use
RM85CHU2625See details

Top-end Yield Potential with Broad Adaptation

  • Exceptional early disease package with strong emergence and seedling vigour
  • Consistent performance and drought tolerance
  • Outstanding dual-purpose hybrid with maximum tonnage and feed quality
RM92CHU2750See details

Proven Yield Performance

  • Broad adaptation across yield environments and populations
  • Superb stalks for season-long standability
  • Performs well under all management levels
RM95CHU2850See details

Full-season Hybrid with the Ability to Move Outside of Zone

  • Tall hybrid with strong stalks and roots
  • Stable performance with good heat stress tolerance
  • Outstanding tonnage and quality at moderate planting populations
RM107CHU3200See details


We’re here to help you grow your best crop on every acre, now and in the future.

Seed chat

Still have questions about which NK corn hybrids are best suited to conditions on your farm?