Spring Wheat Condition Up; More Than Half of Crop Headed 

The condition of the US spring wheat moved higher again this past week, while more than half of the crop has reached the heading stage. 

Monday’s USDA crop progress report put the national spring wheat crop at 75% good to excellent as of Sunday. That is a 3-point improvement from a week earlier and follows the previous week’s 1-point gain. Going into the report, most traders and analysts were expecting the condition of the crop to hold steady. 

At 88% good to excellent, the condition of the crop in Minnesota was up 2 points on the week, while the Montana crop improved 8 points to 65%. The condition of the North Dakota crop was up 3 points to 81% good to excellent, but South Dakota was down 6 points at 75%. 

An estimated 59% of the spring wheat crop had reached the heading stage as of Sunday, up from 38% a week earlier but behind 66% last year and 60% on average. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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