Ontario Crops in Good Shape: GFO

The winter wheat harvest in Ontario is nearing completion, according to Thursday’s weekly update from the Grain Farmers of Ontario. Corn and soybeans are progressing well.

Across the province, some corn is approaching the dough stage, about 24-26 days post-silking. This stage is crucial for starch accumulation in the kernels, impacting final yield. Producers continue to scout for pests and diseases in corn, notably tar spot and western bean cutworm.

Soybeans are transitioning from vegetative stages, with podding well underway. Various pests are reported regionally, including bean leaf beetles, aphids, and spider mites, particularly following recent heavy rains.

Concerns about soil compaction have been raised, especially in fields where winter wheat was harvested under less-than-ideal conditions. However, this year’s winter wheat crop itself was a good one, with strong yields and quality noted in most parts of the province.

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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