Alberta Harvest Slowed by Rain but Still Well Ahead of Average 

The Alberta harvest was slowed by rain this past week, although overall progress remains ahead of the five- and 10-year averages. 

Friday’s weekly crop report pegged the harvest of major crops (spring wheat, oats, barley, canola, and peas) at 63% complete as of Tuesday. That is up a relatively modest 9 points from a week earlier but ahead of 43% for the five-year average and 38% for the 10-year average. 

The report said three of the province’s five agricultural regions experienced ‘significant’ showers last week, with the South, Central and North East seeing amounts ranging from 20 to more than 80 mm. Some areas were delayed only a day or two, while others had delays of several days, it added. The North West and Peace Regions received lighter scattered showers of up to 15 mm. 

Provincially, dry peas were 99% harvested as of Tuesday, while both spring wheat and barley were 79% complete. Canola was 31% harvested, but a further 37% of the crop was swathed. Oat harvest varies around the province, ranging from 47% complete in the North East to 91% complete in the South. Provincially, oat harvest was 55% complete. 

Surface soil moisture improved this past week, rising to 47% good to excellent, near the five-year average of 48%. It is notable that surface soil moisture rated good to excellent has only been above 40% one week since July 16. 

Region One: South (Strathmore, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Foremost)  

• Harvest progress was slowed due to moisture. Many fields that are left were late seeded and are waiting until ripe to combine. The heavy showers will extend the drying time for time lodged crops and sprouting may occur.  

• Showers ranging from 15-80 mm increased surface soil moisture rated good to excellent from 28 per cent to 43 per cent this week. Surface (sub-surface) soil moisture is rated 14 (21) per cent poor, 44 (53) per cent fair, 40 (25) per cent good, 3 (0) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.  

• Precipitation did little to improve pasture and tame hay conditions over the week as both good to excellent ratings were stable since last week.  

Region Two: Central (Rimbey, Airdrie, Coronation, Oyen)  

• Heavy dew in the morning, lower temperatures overnight and showers around the region made for small combining windows during the day and some fields are still drying. Combining in the Central Region progressed 8 per cent since last week and is now 73 per cent complete.  

• Precipitation ranging from 5 mm to 50 mm increased surface soil moisture rated good to excellent from 29 per cent last week to 55 per cent this week but only increased sub-surface soil moisture by 2 per cent. Surface (sub-surface) soil moisture is rated 20 (43) per cent poor, 25 (39) per cent fair, 54 (16) per cent good, 1 (2) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.  

Region Three: North East (Smoky Lake, Vermilion, Camrose, Provost)  

• Rain around the region at the end of the week halted progress for a few days. Combining was able to progress 8 per cent since last week and is now 50 per cent complete. There are concerns of regrowth in canola providing extra challenges to combining. Canola and oats have the most left to combine with 35 and 41 per cent still standing, respectively.  

• Surface (sub-surface) soil moisture is rated 18 (26) per cent poor, 35 (44) per cent fair, 45 (27) per cent good, 2 (3) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.  

• This week’s rain helped marginally green up both pasture and tame hay conditions (last week’s rating) now rated 21 (16) per cent good to excellent and 11 (8) per cent good to excellent, respectively.  

Region Four: North West (Barrhead, Edmonton, Leduc, Drayton Valley, Athabasca)  

• Combining progressed 8 per cent over the week and is now 50 per cent complete with 27 per cent swathed. As in other regions, second growth in cereals is presenting challenges during combining.  

• Surface (sub-surface) soil moisture is rated 28 (36) per cent poor, 49 (46) per cent fair, 23 (18) per cent good, 1 (1) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive.  

Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)  

• Compared to the rest of the province, most days this week in the Peace Region were warm and sunny with a few areas getting small showers ranging from 1 mm to 20 mm, with a few causing short harvest delays. Harvest progressed 14 per cent and is now 50 per cent complete.  

• Surface soil moisture and sub-surface soil moisture is rated highest among the province and improved over the past week due to showers around the region. Surface (sub-surface) soil moisture is rated 4 (1) per cent poor, 37 (37) per cent fair, 56 (59) per cent good, 3 (3) per cent excellent and 0 (0) per cent excessive. 

Source: DePutter Publishing Ltd.

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